voteban for invalid reason

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voteban for invalid reason 5 years ago by Rzhevsky-Raevsky 11 52
Rzhevsky-Raevsky User  •  Trainee  •  Posts: 27
Some people voted ban against me for ping.

Once the admin came to the server and said that the ping is not the reason for the ban, and issued a warning to those who tried to vote me for the ban. It happened again today. They prevent me from playing every time

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This thread has been closed!
Pünktchen Waiting for assignment  •  Administrator  •  Posts: 1229
die 48 stunden sind seit über 48 stunden um.
Pünktchen Waiting for assignment  •  Administrator  •  Posts: 1229
klar ist dies härter als ein voteban abuse und wenn jemand das profil bild eines anderen als spray verwendet, mit irgendwelchen zeichen oder wörtern drauf, verheißt das nichts gutes. ich glaube kaum das auf russisch draufstand: "netter typ". das wird schon ne beleidigung gewesen sein.

wenn du ihn nachträglich bestrafen willst, kannst du dies gerne tun
Malmonar Waiting for assignment  •  Moderator  •  Posts: 479
Jonesthe player, Taucher@vernaschtMilfsamHerd!, is talking about, that you used his steam-profile picture as a spray, with insults. if this is true you also receive a ban.

@malmonar, you were at the server? can you proof this?

pls use our template next time.
with a working steam-id checking things out is a lot easier.
also the player Taucher@vernaschtMilfsamHerd! received a one week ban for voteban abuse and insults.
i will check out the other players later or you just send me the steam-id´s
Hi guys,

I have somehow overlooked this thread. Unfortunately, I cannot proof it since I have not taken a screenshot. But yes, he has used Taucher's profile pic with some russian/Kyrill words written all over it. I have warned twice to change the spray immediatly and to switch to German or English only for all communications on our servers. Additionally, I have told everyone that I will not tolerate the use of other peoples pictures on our servers.

I have not banned him as the players asked and also told everyone to not abuse the voteban system. Unfortunately, this situation has not been solved this way - it felt quite tricky, even though abusing other peoples personality rights / picture rights weighs harder than a voteban abuse in my eyes.

Please let me know your thoughts for future cases like this. I will leave this thread open for 48 hours.

Kind regards
Pünktchen Waiting for assignment  •  Administrator  •  Posts: 1229
i will close this thread now.
Pünktchen Waiting for assignment  •  Administrator  •  Posts: 1229
i give you an example:

we have player A and player B

both are from germany. they are playing on YOUR server. you set the rule that only russian is allowed in the chat and voice.

player A and player B are now chatting together in their mother language. to make things a lot harder for you they are also writting in bavarian dialekt:


The Example:

player A: he du, schau da moi den deppen da a. der admin von dene is so dermaßen scheiße, des ka man kaum glaum
player B: ja, a richtiga voidepp. mi wunderts das der überhaupt irgendwos aufd reih kriagt
player A: a typischer russ hoid. zdumm zum scheißen


have fun translating what i wrote. and this is the reason we only allow english or german on our servers. even if you are chatting/talking only to one person, we can´t understand you. you could write/say the most toxic bullshit over someone from the server and we aren´t able to translate that.

if you want to talk or chat with your friend in privat, then please use the steam chat, teamspeak, discord, skype, whatever but not on our server. these are our rules.
Rzhevsky-Raevsky User  •  Trainee  •  Posts: 27
weberit's not acceptable as jones already said; only german or english on the server
u can talk private with him whatever u want
It's not right that I can't address it him in my own language that knows only he properly and it addressed only him
rayman Waiting for assignment  •  Moderator  •  Posts: 94
it's not acceptable as jones already said; only german or english on the server
u can talk private with him whatever u want
Rzhevsky-Raevsky User  •  Trainee  •  Posts: 27

this is a steam-id:
STEAM_1:1:123006747 (it´s yours btw)

1. stop using other peoples avatars as sprays
2. stop writing in russian. also on sprays.

our server language is english or german. the reason behind that is very simple:
people can insult and/or can do other kinds of harrasment by using a language "nobody" understands, except the player(s) who are speaking/writing it.





If im talking to my friend personally on other language is this acceptable?
Pünktchen Waiting for assignment  •  Administrator  •  Posts: 1229

this is a steam-id:
STEAM_1:1:123006747 (it´s yours btw)

1. stop using other peoples avatars as sprays
2. stop writing in russian. also on sprays.

our server language is english or german. the reason behind that is very simple:
people can insult and/or can do other kinds of harrasment by using a language "nobody" understands, except the player(s) who are speaking/writing it.
Rzhevsky-Raevsky User  •  Trainee  •  Posts: 27
Jonesthe player, Taucher@vernaschtMilfsamHerd!, is talking about, that you used his steam-profile picture as a spray, with insults. if this is true you also receive a ban.

@malmonar, you were at the server? can you proof this?

pls use our template next time.
with a working steam-id checking things out is a lot easier.
also the player Taucher@vernaschtMilfsamHerd! received a one week ban for voteban abuse and insults.
i will check out the other players later or you just send me the steam-id´s

after he started immediately to vote against me ban, as I go to the server I used his steam-profile picture as a spray like meme style in response to his aggression but without insulting

Thread Information

Category name: Cheater / Rule breaker reports
Category description: I've spotted a cheater / rule breaker

Thread status: Closed