
Community Management Rules

Updated: 23.11.2020 19:08
§1. Cheating, scripting, spamming and flooding is strongly prohibited! VAC/SMAC ban will result in a community kick.

§2. All Members must own a headset.

§3. Longer inactivity than a week should be reported to a Founder / Co-Founder via chat or forum! (no exceptions!)
  • §3.1 Maximum inactive time is 3 months (Veteran-Member - 6 months), after that, the member may be kicked out of the community. (exception: Founders, Co-Founders)

§4. The Community Meetings are compulsory.
  • §4.1 If you can't attend the Community Meeting, then the Community Meeting log (can be found in the meetings section) has to be read!
  • §4.2 It is compulsory to "vote" for the Community Meeting attendance! (exception: inactive members, Co-Founders, Founders)

§5. Every Member has to wear the "GoG |" tag. (can also be used as a name)

§6. Breaking the community/server rules or insulting is strongly prohibited and will result in a punishment dependent on the severity of your actions!

§7. The Members are NOT allowed to accept any player into the community management.

§8. The minimum age for admission to the clan is 18 years. (exception: upon consultation)

§9. Being in multiple community Managements is NOT allowed and will result in a community kick and a server ban!

§10. The main communication platform is
  • §10.1 The homepage should be visited daily (as a logged-in user!).
  • §10.2 The internal forum section has to be read! (no exceptions!)

§11. Creating fake GoG Groups is strongly prohibited and will result in a community kick!

§12. Each Member of the GoG community management should represent the clan well, and has to follow the rules on other servers.

§13. Giving the rcon_password to anyone is strongly prohibited and will result in a community kick and a ban from every server!

§14. Respect every Member/Admin. Remember, what you give is what you get back.

§15. Only the Founders have the right to change or add any rule. Co-Founders may also change/add rules upon consultation.

Admin Rules

Updated: 23.11.2020 17:32
§1. Admin abuse is NOT allowed of any kind and will result in a punishment dependent on the severity of your actions!

§2. Every rule breaker has to be warned before taking any admin action (even multiple times). Kicking/banning immediately is strongly prohibited! (exception: cheaters, offensive/disrespecting behavior)

§3. The ban/mute times have to represent the strength of the rule break! The number of previous bans/mutes (only bans/mutes that exceed 10 minutes!) can be considered upon banning/muting. Cheater bans should always be permanent!

§4. When 2 Admins are on the same server, the Admin with the higher rank decides! If both Admins have the same rank, they must talk to each other about every admin action. Lower ranked Admins are still able to slay.
Ranking: Founders, Co-Founders, Admin Managers, Head Admins, Veteran Members/Admins, Members/Admins

§5. It's strongly prohibited to insult/flame or break any admin/member/server rule!

§6. The admin menu should not be used for playing! (Exception: Founders, Co-Founders)

§7. You can only take an admin action if you are 100% sure what happened.

§8. You always have to prove your ban! Banning without reason will result in the loss of your rights!
  • §8.1 Only the Founders/Co-Founders can give the right to ban without a proof.

§9. When an Admin spots a cheater, a demo must be taken before banning. The demo must then be uploaded on the Sourcebans ( site! (Exception: Founders, Co-Founders, SMAC/CONSOLE)

§10. The Admins must add a comment and a demo to each of their bans! (Custom reason can also be used as a comment! Only necessary if the ban exceeds 10 minutes.)

§11. No bans for music spam, mic spam or chat spam! (Exception: Founders, Co-Founders)
  • §11.1 No bans/mutes with the reason "player is under 16" or "kiddy voice"!

§12. Bans/mutes can only be removed by the admin who issued the ban/mute! (Exception: Founders, Co-Founders)
  • §12.1 That also applies to temporary unmutes. (Exception: permission from the admin that issued the mute)

§13. Only the Founders and/or Co-Founders can decide whether a ban/mute stays or not!

§14. Banning, kicking, muting or any other admin action except slay is prohibited against Community Members and Admins! (Exception: Founder, Co-Founder)

§15. Breaking the community/server rules or insulting is strongly prohibited and will result in a punishment dependent on the severity of your actions!

§16. Only the Founders have the right to change or add any rule. Co-Founders may also change/add rules upon consultation.

§17. The Admins have to answer unban requests and abuse reports that involves them.

§18. Players who are currently banned and playing on the server with another account, may not be banned without breaking the rules again. (Exceptions: in case of cheaters it's allowed and in case of non-cheaters only in consultation with the Lead Community Management)

§19. Normal Admins are not allowed to ban full Steam groups. If you want to get a Steam group banned, ask a Co-Founder or Founder.

§20. The Admins have no right to change the server rules!

§21. All Admins have to add the Clan Management (Founders and Co-Founders) in Steam.

TeamSpeak Rules

Updated: 24.11.2020 18:24
§1. Only set a Fun Group on someone upon request.

§2. You can set the group "Friend" to people, who are often on our TS.

§3. You need to link your Teamspeak ID to your GoG Website Account.

§4. You are only allowed to have 4 Servergroups at once. Fun Servergroups also count.

Community Meeting Rules

Updated: 01.05.2021 23:21
§1. No chat spams.

§2. Let others finish / don't interrupt, NO EXCUSES!

§3. Punctuality! That means everyone should punctually present himself at the community meeting. The start time of the community meeting can be found on the homepage!

§4. During the community meeting none of the Members should play.

§5. It should also be given full concentration on the community meeting.

Not abiding by these rules will result in a punishment dependent on the severity of your actions!


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If you want to support us using another service, feel free to contact us any time on


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