CS GO Server-Regeln

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CS GO Server-Regeln 6 years ago by Pünktchen 15 87
Pünktchen Waiting for assignment  •  Administrator  •  Posts: 1229

hallo. ich halte diesen thread jetzt einfach mal öffentlich. evtl beteiligen sich ja auch ein paar stammspieler daran. wer weiß

da ja valve bei cs go irgendwas umgestellt hat, können auf unseren cs go servern viele funktionen, unter anderem die !rule funktion, nicht mehr genutzt werden.

Ich wäre dafür, das wir auf der HP unter "Servers" eine Kategorie "Server Rules" einführen. Damit wir es da zumindest noch schwarz auf weiß haben.
Das zweite Thema wären unsere Deagel Server. Unsere Miniadmins wünschen sich das die Regel "spawncamping ist verboten" eingeführt wird, da anscheinend das spawncamper problem immer größer wird.

Edit: English

valve changed something on cs go, so a lot of function like !rules don´t work anymore. i think, that it would be a good idea to write down our Server rules on the homepage, like our clan rules. when they are writen down, players can´t complain against them anymore.
the next big thing is our cs go deagle server. our mini-admins wish, that spawncamping is now forbidden on the deagle server, because more and more players start camping at the spawn.

This thread has been closed!
Pünktchen Waiting for assignment  •  Administrator  •  Posts: 1229
damit wäre diese sache jetzt erledigt. die regeln sind nun auf der hp aufrufbar und es wurde die gewünschte spawncamper/camper regel auf den deagle servern eingefügt.

GoG |ShadoW Founder  •  Administrator  •  Posts: 217
All rules have been uploaded.

NEW: GoG GO#1 | Deagle | Headshot Only rules updated:
- new rule #15: Camping is now restricted on every map and every position (max 5 sec without movement)
- new rule #16: Spawncamping is now restricted (Move away from the spawn area)

NEW: GoG #1 | Deagle | Headshot Only rules updated:
- new rule #15: Camping is now restricted on every map and every position (max 5 sec without movement)
- new rule #16: Spawncamping is now restricted (Move away from the spawn area)
Rule change effective immediately!
GoG |ShadoW Founder  •  Administrator  •  Posts: 217
Jones, das link ist falsch.
oder https://gog-clan.com/serverrules

Schnell zugriff auf die server:
https://rules.gog-clan.com/{css oder csgo}{servernummer}
oder https://gog-clan.com/serverrules/{css oder csgo}{servernummer}

Für GoG GO #1 wird es: https://rules.gog-clan.com/csgo1 oder https://gog-clan.com/serverrules/csgo1
Für GoG #9 wird es: https://rules.gog-clan.com/css9 oder https://gog-clan.com/serverrules/css9
Pünktchen Waiting for assignment  •  Administrator  •  Posts: 1229
die server regeln sind nun auf der hp aufrufbar. im moment sind nur 3 server in der liste. alle fehlenden werden morgen von shadow eingetragen.

the server rules are now accessable on our hp. at the moment only 3 servers are listed. the rest will be added by shadow tomorrow.


or go to the hp tab "servers" and click on "server rules"
Pünktchen Waiting for assignment  •  Administrator  •  Posts: 1229
da stehts auch schön drinen. duckspam ist verboten. dürft ihr also bestrafen, genauso wie bunnyhop
campen ist erlaubt. wenn ihr wollt das dies verboten wird dann macht den vorschlag dazu.
GoG |ShadoW Founder  •  Administrator  •  Posts: 217
Your job is to make sure that people follow the rules that have been there since the beginning ( http://extra.gog-clan.com/csgo/motd_deagle/ ) and NOT to create them. If you request a new rule then open an intern forum thread where it may be discussed and created if the management says so. I dont need admins who selfishly create undiscussed rules and thereby confusing the players.

Do you guys think, you can keep it the way it meant to be, or will I have to take further action?

The rule system through the website is under construction and will be released in the next days along with server adverts with a link to it.

Sincerely, ShadoW
dev Waiting for assignment  •  Trainee  •  Posts: 35
Let admins slay spawncampers whenever they are longer then 10 - 15 sec's in spawn.
Pünktchen Waiting for assignment  •  Administrator  •  Posts: 1229
shadow wird jetzt (hoffentlich) die server regeln auf der hp einfügen. an alle admins hier. auch wenn die regeln nicht mehr nachlesbar sind, zählen trotzdem noch die alten server regeln. wer sich eigene regeln ausdenkt wird von shadow persönlich rausgeschmissen.

shadow will (hopefully) introduce the server rules on our hp. the old server rules still exist. everyone who thinks that he can make his own rules will be personally kicked out by shadow.
aXept Friend  •  Expert  •  Posts: 127
About crouching... 

Is it possible to make a delay on it? I mean, if you crouch once it's a delay on 15 sec or something before you can crouch again? 

Too much crouching going now, all the time. 
Rissk User  •  Rookie  •  Posts: 18
Can't we use something like ESEA does at each end of the game?
And we force players to enable cl_disablehtmlmotd 1


This can also act like advertisement platform like a small band of information above the rules,
maybe can bring some revenue since the server is well known .

If I started with ideas maybe we disable the ability to change teams when ever we want so the the pluging for the team quilibrium is not mest up all the time.
I also talked to Jones about a pluging that at the end of the map the player with the most mvps gets named the winner of the map in chat or somewhere.
In 1.6 we had a command that made the suspect's screen go white so we can tell 100% if they are wallhacking i don't know if we can in csgo but is worth metioning.

Thread Information

Category name: Servers
Category description: Ideas / Suggestions for the servers

Thread status: Closed