Gamers of Germany Forum Post

Rissk User  •  Rookie  •  Posts: 18
Can't we use something like ESEA does at each end of the game?
And we force players to enable cl_disablehtmlmotd 1

This can also act like advertisement platform like a small band of information above the rules,
maybe can bring some revenue since the server is well known .

If I started with ideas maybe we disable the ability to change teams when ever we want so the the pluging for the team quilibrium is not mest up all the time.
I also talked to Jones about a pluging that at the end of the map the player with the most mvps gets named the winner of the map in chat or somewhere.
In 1.6 we had a command that made the suspect's screen go white so we can tell 100% if they are wallhacking i don't know if we can in csgo but is worth metioning.

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