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GoG GO#1 5 years ago by less 12 92
less Friend  •  Trainee  •  Posts: 37
It would be great if the votekick/voteban requirement would be lower, there's a lack of admins on the server and it's constantly filled with cheaters and other rule breakers that are impossible to get rid of.

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INSPI Waiting for assignment  •  Administrator  •  Posts: 196
its possible to reduce the requirement for votes but there is also the problem, that it would be easier to abuse votekick/ban. 

I have asked the rest of the management if they see need for action.
vinkelkrigeren User  •  Elite  •  Posts: 245
i agree with less, its too hard for the players to vote cheaters off

Thread Information

Category name: Servers
Category description: Ideas / Suggestions for the servers

Thread status: Closed