Ungag/ Unmute Request

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Ungag/ Unmute Request 5 years ago by <= tries no mouse acceleration 7 50
<= tries no mouse acceleration User  •  Rookie  •  Posts: 9
Name: im low
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:14614559
Mute reason: Spamming 
Mutelist link: https://gog-clan.com/mutes?filter=STEAM_0%3A1%3A14614559

I've been muted/gagged because i had a bind that writes "mad coz bad" onto my mouse 2 years ago, which caused me to spam the chat and being muted because i was bhopping and it spammed. I still talked to other players by renaming myself to flame them when i was mad, but this was 2 years ago. I've changed my mind on the game since this. I'm asking for an ungag/mute because it's annoying that i cannot answer to ppl asking for duel, or even for ppl that just want to talk with me. I play a lot on the poolparty server and admins that know me well unmuted me sometimes and i never did anything wrong beacause hackers have been banned/ are being banned fastly thanks to the admins and so there's no more reason to be angry. 
Hope you will accept

This thread has been closed!
Pünktchen Waiting for assignment  •  Administrator  •  Posts: 1229
i have made a decision without inspi (i don´t have the time to wait for him). i will unsilence you.
don´t make any trouble again.

<= tries no mouse acceleration User  •  Rookie  •  Posts: 9
 @GreenLion i didnt remember i had an account on the forum actually haha that's why i created a new one
Pünktchen Waiting for assignment  •  Administrator  •  Posts: 1229

also dieser account hier ist sein Main account. den habe ich damals gesilenced.

dann hat er sich diesen account zugelegt:
um wieder mit den anderen reden zu können. war aber mit seinem zweiten account ebenfalls beleidigend gegenüber anderen spielern. aus diesem grund haben inspi und ich uns dafür entschieden, den silence zu lassen.
GreenLion Waiting for assignment  •  Moderator  •  Posts: 282
Why did you make a new account here thogh? Did you lose access to your previous account? Just curious
Pünktchen Waiting for assignment  •  Administrator  •  Posts: 1229
Malmonar Waiting for assignment  •  Moderator  •  Posts: 479

I have been unmuting you sometimes and can confirm that is has become far better. Nevertheless, it is on Jones (and Inspi, since he mostly plays on the Poolparty from the leadership team) to decide.

Kind regards
k. Waiting for assignment  •  Elite  •  Posts: 293

ich weiß, ich habe hier nichts zu sagen, da dies einzig und allein Jones Mute/Gag ist, aber ich habe mit dem Spieler geredet und er hat mir versichert, dass er in Zukunft weder beleidigt, spammt oder andere Spieler provozieren wird.


Thread Information

Category name: I've been muted
Category description: Complaints about mutes

Thread status: Closed