Gamers of Germany Forum Post

<= tries no mouse acceleration User  •  Rookie  •  Posts: 9
Name: im low
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:14614559
Mute reason: Spamming 
Mutelist link:

I've been muted/gagged because i had a bind that writes "mad coz bad" onto my mouse 2 years ago, which caused me to spam the chat and being muted because i was bhopping and it spammed. I still talked to other players by renaming myself to flame them when i was mad, but this was 2 years ago. I've changed my mind on the game since this. I'm asking for an ungag/mute because it's annoying that i cannot answer to ppl asking for duel, or even for ppl that just want to talk with me. I play a lot on the poolparty server and admins that know me well unmuted me sometimes and i never did anything wrong beacause hackers have been banned/ are being banned fastly thanks to the admins and so there's no more reason to be angry. 
Hope you will accept

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