
CS:GO Bhop server received an update!

New features added, 3rdPerson style and many more!
    9 years ago     GoG |Nitro     0

Last night we've updated both Bhop servers in CS:GO . We are using one of the latest versions of the timer, wich bring brings a lot of new improvements. Furthermore there are some new functions!

We had to fix tons of bugs in the official timer, so we also decided to modificate the timer to our needs and wishes!

Some of the fixes:

-stage timer: colors improved
-timer sounds: fixed
-timer mapzones: improved map end function, added mapzone effects
-stats: fixed sql, menu and sounds

Some of the new functions:

-added 3rd Person style
-added mapzone effects
-readded !cp menu
-edited ranking system
-you can use !gap to get the distance between two points
-extended mapchooser added (no vote option and more)
-and much more!

This is a resized image. Click here to see the original

Have fun by discovering the new functions!

~ GoG Management

GoG wishes merry christmas and a happy new year

Double rank points on every server!
    9 years ago     GoG |Nitro     0

imgThe GoG clan wishes you a peaceful and restful christmas and a good start to a successful new year 2016!

As a little Christmas surprise, we double the rank points and remove the point loss on every server from 25.12.2015 until 04.01.2016.

Furthermore all members get +20 points in our pointsystem!

We hope that you'll take advantage of the surprise and you'll have enough time to play on our servers =)

So Merry Christmas and Happy New Year :D

~Your GoG Team

GoG is celebrating its 5-year-old existence!

GoG is 5 years old // Double rank-points & no loss of rank-points
    9 years ago     GoG |Nitro     0
The Gamers of Germany (GoG) clan is celebrating it's 5th birthday!
During this time we invested much work, money and time in the clan.
As a little thank you, for keeping your faith to GoG, you will get double rank-points on every server. Moreover you will not lose any points (e.g. for dying).
This event lasts from 10-03-2015 until 10-08-2015 0 o' clock.

Furthermore all members get +20 points in our pointsystem!

Have fun!

P.S. We will be glad about some donations :)

GoG Clan


Donate to help us keep our servers online

0,00 € / 50,00 €

Progress: 0%

We currently only support PayPal for donations.
If you want to support us using another service, feel free to contact us any time on


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