Admin must be a simp

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Admin must be a simp 5 years ago by .Gr4nt 6 25
.Gr4nt User  •  Rookie  •  Posts: 7
I was first muted and gagged for 1 week because I said the N word I think. Dont remember. People are saying N word all the time on the server and admins are not doing shit about it. But when a female is reporting, old virgin admins have to do everything they can ofc. I was later muted for 6 months when they found out that I said "suck my dick" to that female and said it was "sexual harassment". They also included that I was being homophobic for calling her lesbian. It is a fact, she is a lesbian, ask her.

This thread has been closed!
John' Waiting for assignment  •  Administrator  •  Posts: 278
Just by reading your initial complaint you are really blaming admins and looking for an excuse to insult people on the server? We don't need this on our servers. I would have given you a ban for that so lucky for you that you only have a silence.

I go ahead and close this thread. If someone wants to add something go ahead and re-open it.
GreenLion Waiting for assignment  •  Moderator  •  Posts: 282
This just shows that a 6 month silence is well deserved in this case. As Jones said we got multiple reports on you, so you insulting here again just shows those reports were substantiated.
Pünktchen Waiting for assignment  •  Administrator  •  Posts: 1229
only an oldhead simp and an abusive hater?
come on, give me your pure hate energy.

i work in a retirement home, and even the old people there can insult me better as you.

btw for the ones who don´t know what a simp is.
this is someone who is nice to girls, in hope that he can have sex with them.
.Gr4nt User  •  Rookie  •  Posts: 7
1st of all, how can you write an essay if you can't even put a big letter after a punctuation mark. 2nd of all, I have no idea who you are, you are probably one of these oldheads getting mad in a server, calling them "onliner" for having shit aim. 3rd of all, you increasing my mute to 6 months after sniffing around the chatlog and finding me saying "suck my dick" to a female, calling it "sexual harassment", proves how much of a simp you are and that you are just a casual abusive hater. 
.Gr4nt User  •  Rookie  •  Posts: 7
Joneswell, i could write now essay, why you got a 6 month silence.
but you know what? i don´t care anymore about internet heros like you. blablabla the others are insulting, so i can insult and harass everyone too.
you will never learn it and will always see the mistakes on the "virgin" admins.
funny thing is. this "lesbian" wasn´t even reporting you. we got multiple reports from a lot of different players, but not from your female "friend".

but ok. as i already said i don´t care anymore. i have other things to do wich are more important as your silence.
so, just reply with the typical insults like the other banned/silenced internet wannabe heros on this homepage, so i can close this thread.


Pünktchen Waiting for assignment  •  Administrator  •  Posts: 1229
well, i could write now essay, why you got a 6 month silence.
but you know what? i don´t care anymore about internet heros like you. blablabla the others are insulting, so i can insult and harass everyone too.
you will never learn it and will always see the mistakes on the "virgin" admins.
funny thing is. this "lesbian" wasn´t even reporting you. we got multiple reports from a lot of different players, but not from your female "friend".

but ok. as i already said i don´t care anymore. i have other things to do wich are more important as your silence.
so, just reply with the typical insults like the other banned/silenced internet wannabe heros on this homepage, so i can close this thread.


Thread Information

Category name: I've been muted
Category description: Complaints about mutes

Thread status: Closed