Not a complaint

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Not a complaint 6 years ago by Ducky 13 68
Ducky User  •  Newbie  •  Posts: 4
I know I was wrong with what I did, not just today, but the other countless days included. If my behaviour is that bad then i will stop spreading toxicity around the server. Just did not expect a perm ban today while afk lol. I'll stop saying shit to people and just mind my own business I guess. I sound like a little bitch lol but I do actually enjoy playing in this server and don't want to be perm ban over behaviour issues. I'd rather be ban for cheating.I have made some good friends over there and do wish to carry on playing on the server (just without my toxic shit). 

Anyways, good day to you all. 

This thread has been closed!
INSPI Waiting for assignment  •  Administrator  •  Posts: 196
since Adebisi said that he agrees with a ban reduction and moreover malmo and reneyyy both of them requested that a second chance is a resonable solution. So in this case i decided to reduce the ban to 1 week. In addition to this ban I have silenced you for 3 months. Take your chance to proof you´re nice guy. I hope the matter is now clarified.

Best Regards
Malmonar Waiting for assignment  •  Moderator  •  Posts: 479
@Leaders @Co-Leaders: Please make a decision here.

Best Regards
Ducky User  •  Newbie  •  Posts: 4
Malmonar - I get what you are saying and I do thank you for your opinion. I do get why Abudabi perm ban me hence why I called this title "Not a complaint". It's more so he thought I would actually listen to all the admins including himself by giving me a perm ban (at least it's why i'm assuming I got perm ban). Which to be honest, he was not wrong. 
Ducky User  •  Newbie  •  Posts: 4
Reneyy and Abduabi - Thank you for understanding me. From all the replies I am finding out the moderators and users of this website do read what I say and I very much do apologise for all the things said. 

Edit: Abduabi - As long as I get to play on the server that I've been pretty much enjoying for ages, I will not break the rules just because someone else is. 
Ducky User  •  Newbie  •  Posts: 4
Jones - I understand the shit I said was undoubtedly horrible but these did not happen out of context. The "Fucking gas <3" was a joke to one of the users in the server since they were calling Korean music gay (probably a joke or whatever) so I just said that back. I don't think there was any beef after that from my own knowledge. And you also gotta understand I reply to people (who speak on mic) on text hence why it may seem like I'm trashing someone for no reason. But I am not denying the things I have done, it was irrational and should not be done again.  
Malmonar Waiting for assignment  •  Moderator  •  Posts: 479
To be honest, I feel like a perm ban is way more than necessary here. I would recommend a 2 weeks ban + 6 months silence. Banning away all players is not bringing us anywhere. He seems to be a good guy even though being quite toxic. Still not enough for a perm ban from my perspective.

Kind regards
vinkelkrigeren User  •  Elite  •  Posts: 245
i agree with reneyy, Ducky can be a chill and fun guy, and i actually personally like him, ive shared servers with ducky for atleast 2 years now, but recently hes been too much in my opinion  you can see that ive already gave him a "warning" ban not long time ago

but i think a ban reduction could possibly work, ill leave this up to you guys to decide

edit : 
and ducky, if you do get unbanned, then im expecting you to follow the rules aswell, i dont wanna see no more breaking rules because you getting mad over others that dont
Pünktchen Waiting for assignment  •  Administrator  •  Posts: 1229
sein chat beinhaltet 22 seiten. ich hab mir diesen bis seite 7 genau durchgelesen.
die ganzen "normalen" insults wie "bitch" und "cunt" blende ich jetzt mal aus. die sieht man schon zu genüge auf den ersten drei seiten.

was mir ins auge gefallen ist, wo ich aber noch keinen richtigen kontext herstellen kann und deswegen den chat noch weiter untersuchen werde ist z.B. folgendes:

19. Mai 2019 21:36:59 cuz u dnt understand german songs
19. Mai 2019 21:37:01 u make fun of it
19. Mai 2019 21:37:05 fucking gas <3

ebenso auch homophobe ausdrücke wie

18. Mai 2019 17:53:15 in spawn fag
18. Mai 2019 20:05:23 u faggot
16. Mai 2019 20:43:39 i hate these types of fags
16. Mai 2019 20:42:28 fag
16. Mai 2019 20:40:04 spam more fag
16. Mai 2019 17:02:49 0-7 fag

das war jetzt alles noch bis zur seite 7 (50 einträge pro seite)

solche kommentare sind für mich einfach nur unmenschlich und haben nirgendswo etwas zu suchen.
das ist für mich kein toxisches verhalten mehr, sondern richtiger hass.

ich werd mir jetzt auch die restlichen seiten vornehmen. im moment schauts aber wirklich nicht gut aus für ihn. sorry leute aber solch ein verhalten kann man nicht mit "hatte einen schlechten tag" oder ähnliches begründen.
ich werde mich dann später nochmal mit inspi darüber unterhalten.
rayman Waiting for assignment  •  Moderator  •  Posts: 94
ich kenne ducky schon sehr lange,er ist eigentlich ein ganz chilliger und witziger typ, hab ihn nie wirklich toxic erlebt und ich hab ihn schon sehr oft auf unserem server spielen sehen, einer unserer stammspieler. jeder baut mal scheiße und man lernt aus seinen fehlern, ich wäre hier für eine weitere chance, auch weil ich denke, dass ducky daraus lernt und keine scheiße mehr bauen wird
John' Waiting for assignment  •  Administrator  •  Posts: 278
Man könnte ihn auch ne ganze weile muten und nicht direkt wegbannen ? solange er doch sonst gerne aufm server spielt ? dafür haben wir doch die mutes

Thread Information

Category name: I've been banned
Category description: Complains about bans

Thread status: Closed