I got perm-banned in voice chat for playing a few sounds

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I got perm-banned in voice chat for playing a few sounds 8 years ago by ZugTurmfalke 1 23
ZugTurmfalke User  •  Newbie  •  Posts: 4
I talked with the admin "gnad1.0" and he told me to post it here:

So approximately 1 year ago I got banned permanently in voice chat for playing a few sounds because many people did and we all had fun playing some funny or ranom sounds..
Now I understand that it can be a bit annoying for people who just want to play (even though they can mute) but i think it's a bit exaggerated to instantly ban someone permanently..
So I want to talk to people again if it's possible :D

Profile:   http://steamcommunity.com/id/Zug7urmfalke/

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Miss ღ Vivi ღ | Kiwi Waiting for assignment  •  Elite  •  Posts: 327
Da es ein Mute von Manggo war und er kein Admin mehr von uns ist, werde ich deinen Mute aufheben.
Bitte unterlasse es aber in Zukunft, Musik abzuspielen oder was auch immer das für Sounds waren.

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Thread Information

Category name: I've been banned
Category description: Complains about bans

Thread status: Closed