admin abuse by leet

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admin abuse by leet 8 years ago by att1sh 3 24
att1sh User  •  Newbie  •  Posts: 1
Name of the Admin: Leet (not a member)
Report reason: admin abuse.
Proof: (sorry for the large file).

This guy starts breaking the rules at 10:25.
At 13:50 he starts calling me a fucking idiot and slaying me, at first because I broke the rules.
But this guy was the one starting, I only did it back to him because I thought he was playing outside of the rules (I thought we were on terms on this because he was doing it all the time to me).
I get agitated so I curse back at him.
At 14:06 he slays me again. He laughs pathetically about it, probably because he can't kill me otherwise.
At 14:16 he does it again.
At 14:35 he swears that if the guy that he's fighting, is me, he will slay me again.
But it wasn't me, though I did kill him at the end.
And then he slays me again.
At 14:52 I said I was taping the whole shabang and then all of a sudden he stopped.
This guy man, unbelievable. I wasn't going to post this.
But he did the same thing today, so now I'm here after 2 slays and a kick.

This thread has been closed!
shard User  •  Elite  •  Posts: 224
Hab mit beiden über Steam gesprochen und wir habens uns auf eine Verwarnung für Leet geeinigt. Er sieht ein das es unnötig war aber hat es größtenteils als harmlosen Spaß angesehen da die beiden eigentlich gut befreundet sind. Bomo hat das natürlich anders gesehen aber naja das Resultat sehen wir ja hier. 
Pünktchen Waiting for assignment  •  Administrator  •  Posts: 1229
problem solved
Pünktchen Waiting for assignment  •  Administrator  •  Posts: 1229
shard and i will take a look at it

Thread Information

Category name: Admin abuse reports
Category description: Complaints about admins

Thread status: Closed