Furthermore, wether we make money or not is NONE of your business.

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Furthermore, wether we make money or not is NONE of your business. 8 years ago by mou 8 49
mou User  •  Rookie  •  Posts: 7
To claim you are doing a service to the community by hosting, whilst running ads on your servers, is laughable.

This thread has been closed!
Miss ღ Vivi ღ | Kiwi Waiting for assignment  •  Elite  •  Posts: 327
Naja ich glaube nicht, dass hier noch etwas produktives kommen wird (außer vielleicht ein Homepage-Bann), also:

- Thread closed.
Pünktchen Waiting for assignment  •  Administrator  •  Posts: 1229
ich bin nur zwei tage weg und alles geht hier drunter und drüber.
das sich solche stressverursacher über co leader beschweren ist ja schon ne sache aber mittlerweile gehen sie auch schon auf die owner los. 

naja egal ich schau mir jetzt pendulum an. Tschüss
Malmonar Waiting for assignment  •  Moderator  •  Posts: 479
Miss ღ Vivi ღ | Kiwi Waiting for assignment  •  Elite  •  Posts: 327
I think he means the donate-ad. But only because it's on the server it doesn't mean people are really donating.
The owners pay more than we will ever get from donations.

And you are really really pathetic.
You cry (and you really cry) about a 1 week gag. I can't believe it. Seriously. It's not even a ban! Gag is no sanction at all. You can still play on the server. You can even talk in the voice chat again after 1 hour. You are making a big deal out of this. Fucking child. I can't believe you are 21.
And as I said: you deserved that gag. You are a child who is flaming and insulting. Ok, I have seen worse, but insults are insults.

And because you insulted GoG you got permanently banned now. Thanks ragemode. If you didn't perm banned him, I would have done it.
I hope Shadow bans you from the homepage as well. GoG doesn't need people like you neither on our servers nor on our homepage.
Good bye. I hope you will get happy on other servers.
GoG| rageMode™ Waiting for assignment  •  Newbie  •  Posts: 4
you don't need to join any gog server in the future.

Malmonar Waiting for assignment  •  Moderator  •  Posts: 479
shard User  •  Elite  •  Posts: 224
There are no ads running  on our servers that generate any kind of money.Heck there are no kind of ads running at all. So what the fuck are you talking about ? Well anyway you will get whats coming to you.
Malmonar Waiting for assignment  •  Moderator  •  Posts: 479
Dude, I understand you are pissed to some point. But it is more than enough now. 

Thread Information

Category name: Admin abuse reports
Category description: Complaints about admins

Thread status: Closed