[TIMER] This is the last round!!

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[TIMER] This is the last round!! 8 years ago by Depy #Krigarpreg 4 50
Depy #Krigarpreg User  •  Rookie  •  Posts: 11
[TIMER]  This is the last round!!
  -5- [Epic] Depyx :   timeleft

Has been happening on GoG #9 today, I don´t know if GoG #11 is having the same problem.

This thread has been closed!
GoG |ShadoW Founder  •  Administrator  •  Posts: 217
If what shard says is right, then I'll limit the number of extend maps.

I'll leave this open for now, please report if it happens again. Until then, we are going to let it how it is.

Depy #Krigarpreg User  •  Rookie  •  Posts: 11
It haven´t happened the last few days, but it occured twice during one day so that´s why I made the thread. If you have time over you could take a look at it and see if you find a problem. But I don´t think it is necessary. 
shard User  •  Elite  •  Posts: 224
Vermutung: Das passiert wenn die Spieler mehrmals "Extend Map" voten. Irgendwann wird der Timer einfach nicht mehr resettet. Hab ich auch schonmal gehabt. Nach Mapwechsel durch rtv oder Admin funktioniert wieder alles.
GoG |ShadoW Founder  •  Administrator  •  Posts: 217

Does the problem still occur, or was it a one-time issue?

Thread Information

Category name: Bug reports
Category description: Website / servers bugs

Thread status: Closed