admin application

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admin application 4 years ago by KnuudT <3 7 58
KnuudT <3 User  •  Newbie  •  Posts: 1
well, i have been playing alot latley. and as far as i can see, the server i doing good as always !!. buttT, there is alot of nwe players, and old that is not respecting the rules. i my self have played on the server way to long!, and i know the rules!!... and lately i have noticd the admins havent been as active.. so i have finaly decided to apply for admin, i would have done it sooner, but yeah idk. there used to be more acktive admins, so if u guys want a nwe guy to the team, that is semai active/i play way to much some times and than i go offline for a while,. i have been admin on a few admins in the past, like on 1.6 and source. but not so much on csgo... so if u guys want to add another sweaty nerd to the team, consider it !:D. maby some poeple know me from befor!. From KnuudT <3 !     <- :D. i am dyslectic so if u have a hard time reading, sorry-.-'' 

This thread has been closed!
Pünktchen Waiting for assignment  •  Administrator  •  Posts: 1229
well, it seems that he lost his interest.
then i will decline his application.

thread closed (we still got 2 new mini admins so this shouldn't be tragic)
Pünktchen Waiting for assignment  •  Administrator  •  Posts: 1229

my next free day is on Wednesday (25.08.2021). if you don´t have time at this day:
the first weekend in September (04.09.2021; 05.09.2021)

maybe some of the other head-admins/management-admins find time for the admin introduction.

and please stop posting any kinds of links in the game chat. if you want to show someone your favourite playlist/song/what ever, then post it in a private chat (for example: discord, ts, steam, teams)
Pünktchen Waiting for assignment  •  Administrator  •  Posts: 1229

thank you for your application. due to my job (i also have to work at weekends), i am not very active in the forum right now. i will give you an update, when i have i have my next work-free day (this should be, if nothing changes, the next saturday (i have to work on next sunday)).
less Friend  •  Trainee  •  Posts: 37
rayman Waiting for assignment  •  Moderator  •  Posts: 94
i remember knuudt,too. friendly guy
a yes from me
UwU jαcki𓆪 ツ Server Admin  •  Rookie  •  Posts: 16
Knuudt is one of the people i remember from when i started playing on the server for my first time, i have been friends with him for a good while now and he is a really good and kind guy.
He's active in the community and talks with the people on the server.
I have never seen him break any rules or be toxic in any way.
He always tell me if someone is breaking rules so therefore i think knuudt could be a good addition to the admin team.
vinkelkrigeren User  •  Elite  •  Posts: 245
i know knuudt very well, long time player on our servers, super talkative and likeable, countless of hours on the server aswell as a big chunk in cs:go overall, its gonna be a yes from me

Thread Information

Category name: Applications
Category description: Applications

Thread status: Closed