Mini Admin Application

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Mini Admin Application 6 years ago by vinkelkrigeren 13 74
vinkelkrigeren User  •  Elite  •  Posts: 245
Just gonna pretend this is my Tinder profile for a moment
Name : Adebisi, also known by the name Dirty 
Age : 24 ( 1994 )
Country : Denmark
Hours played and experience in general : got nearly 2350 hours played, been playing since the iirc MM days ( 1,6 ), with the majority of my hours spend on Deagle servers, 50k++ kills on another server and nearly 20k on yours ( so i can no doubt provide a valid opinion on cheaters etc ) 
Active hours : Usually playing between 4pm and 11 pm 
Occupation : Plumber and Energy specialist ( related )

now to the more heavy part 

The reason that im applying is that i feel the amount of active admins can be somewhat limited some days at certain hours " gets pretty frustrating seeing these obvious wallhackers prefireing entry peek every round without being able to take action " Im a well known person in the Deagle community ( 3-4 years activity on a daily basis ) , and im sure most of you who sits with the decision will know me well, im convinced i can be a good and serious addition to the admin team, even with my "rough" Chatlogs, ( if u know me u will know its not ment as offensive and will of course be adjusted to be more admin like, i just got that typical "Craftsman?" tone followed up by a giggle ) so please dont refuse straight away based on that

if u would like to know more or speak to me on Teamspeak, discord or whatever lmk
thanks for taking the time reading this hella long Application


This thread has been closed!
Malmonar Waiting for assignment  •  Moderator  •  Posts: 479
As long as the amount of admin crap talk on our deagle servers gets less and not more, let the CS GO Admins decide. I hear more than enough of bad admin behaviour as of know and would not like to see this increase even more.

Kind regards
Pünktchen Waiting for assignment  •  Administrator  •  Posts: 1229
let´s see what other admins say to this application
PETER HJERNEFORSKER Waiting for assignment  •  Trainee  •  Posts: 26
I've seen Adebisi a lot on the server and i can confirm that he's very active, skilled player. He's well liked by many players! In regards to his chatlog, i know his way of saying things isn't the most appropriate way. The occasion i witnessed were more like a giggle between "server-friends" if i can say that :)

I think he would be a positive add to our admin team :)

Kind Regards
Peter Trumphs

Thread Information

Category name: Applications
Category description: Applications

Thread status: Closed