GoG #1 Deagle Headshot Only server admin application

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GoG #1 Deagle Headshot Only server admin application 7 years ago by Chkn 5 51
Chkn Friend  •  Rookie  •  Posts: 10

as you probably know. I used to be an admin with the GoG clan, and later I asked for a demote to mini-admin on this specific server. I asked for this due to fewer commitments towards the clan, and my lack of playtime and in general low interest in csgo, I quit the game back in june 17. So for this reason I thought I should retire as an admin. I recently spoke to Gandalf, and he told me that you can be an mini admin, even with low playtime. 
I used to ban through sourcebans, mute and gag. I dont really care for admin. I just want a clean server, which I personally enjoy playing on. Ive prob spent atleast 1000 hours, if not more on this server. So when Im online and ready to headshot I cant be arsed if there is a hacker, but no admin online. So thats my proposal. If you still want me. I dont think I will be needing any training either, since I used to record demos and post them on the sourceban page. 

Anyways, heres my steamID; 

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Pünktchen Waiting for assignment  •  Administrator  •  Posts: 1229
welcome back to the team. lepi will be your admin-manager
Pünktchen Waiting for assignment  •  Administrator  •  Posts: 1229
i have no problem with having him back as a mini-admin.
i will talk with shadow about it
Lipi Waiting for assignment  •  Expert  •  Posts: 149
i can manage him...
Lipi Waiting for assignment  •  Expert  •  Posts: 149
He was in clan, was an admin so why not he knows all rules.
ez yes.
Chkn Friend  •  Rookie  •  Posts: 10
Woopsie, seems like my steamid vanished :o. Here it is: STEAM_0:052171246 

Thread Information

Category name: Applications
Category description: Applications

Thread status: Closed