CS:GO Bhop | Server manager application

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CS:GO Bhop | Server manager application 7 years ago by Christer 4 39
Christer User  •  Rookie  •  Posts: 10
Hi there, I would like to apply for server manager(CS:GO bhop #9 and #11).

A little bit about me:
My name is Christer, I'm 24 yrs old and I'm from Norway.
I work with IT(design mostly) and climbing(I'm a climbing instructor).

My experience:
I have been server manager at battlefield.no many years ago when they had servers, co-managed with friends and later I've had my own servers(I shut them down 6 months ago). I can add maps and plugins, and I learn fast if there is anything I don't know.

I'm not that active as a player, but as a server manager I would naturally be more active on the servers(adding maps, time zones etc.).
Other than that, I'm always online if someone needs me, and I'm mostly on my computer from 6pm to 3am ish.


This thread has been closed!
Miss ღ Vivi ღ | Kiwi Waiting for assignment  •  Elite  •  Posts: 327
Because nobody volunteers for being your Admin Manager, the Clan Management will manage you until we find a person who wants to be your Admin Manager.

Please join our teamspeak and ask a coleader for your admin rights.

- Thread closed.
Miss ღ Vivi ღ | Kiwi Waiting for assignment  •  Elite  •  Posts: 327
Enough playtime, chatlog clean, no bans.
I'm for it.

Who wants to be Admin Manager for him?
Christer User  •  Rookie  •  Posts: 10
Thanks for the fast reply.

Then I will apply for miniadmin.
Pünktchen Waiting for assignment  •  Administrator  •  Posts: 1229
you can apply as an mini admin for these two servers but not as an "manager".
the only people who have the rights to add/remove/change something on the servers are our owners and no one else.

Thread Information

Category name: Applications
Category description: Applications

Thread status: Closed