Gamers of Germany Forum Post

Chkn Friend  •  Rookie  •  Posts: 10
As I tend to play alot of deagle on the GoG #1 server, I thought I would make a list of the best maps, and the worst. The map pool has stayed the same for a long time, and from my experience I see that alot of maps are thrived to be played, and others are not. A suggestion the management might want to take to consideration would be to run a strawpoll to see which maps that are enjoyed by the community, and which that are not. I could also come with new recommendations if you want. 

From my experience, the most voted maps are:
1. Sayyiv
2. Nav72
3. 7k_go and 7k_GoG
4. Simpsons
5. Ace
6. Elevator

The least voted maps:
1. Crewholic
2. Warehouse
3. Hangar
4. Zero

I`d be glad to see atleast some of these gone, especially zero. Its way to large, and too many corners.

Id love for @Lepi, @Gandalf and @Stephko to comment this matter. 

Thanks for reading!

- Chkn

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