Gamers of Germany Forum Post

Pervasioné User  •  Newbie  •  Posts: 5
sTephmonsterpuh demo angeschauut, manchmal interessante prefires an corner aber is halt standart abgeaime auf hangar.

würd ja sagen guckt noch jemand die demo an um mehr meinungen zu haben (prefix :P). ich seh da ansich halt bis auf die standart prefire sachen nichts was fishy ist


Yes, i prefire ALOT on hangar, as i find it to be a very successful strategy. The enemy will ususally peak the exact same spots on the either one of the 2 sets of boxes, and since there are so many players in a very small area, it usually leads to alot of kills. I'm actually surprised that there aren't that many others using this strategy :)

Hope that explains it :)

Best regards Servicetag

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