Banned for no Reason!

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Banned for no Reason! 5 years ago by ☭ Pickle Rick ☭ 7 41
☭ Pickle Rick ☭ User  •  Newbie  •  Posts: 2
All started when a round ends and i put some music throw my mic. (just for few secconds) 
I got muted without warning that someone tell to off it... But why 3 days? 10 mins can do the job to make me shut up.
Anyway i see Dirty Mute me so i tried to send him friend request to talk... and then i got kicked from the server...
Can you tell me where is the rule who say dont add admins??
Anyway i reconected and on the server there was many people who was camping but i was playing normal
Sometimes i stayed on camping on some point or on spawn because i was in combat. But again Dirty kicked me sometimes because 
i was killing him and he claimed that i was camping.... (idk what he claimed cause i couldnt talk)
ALL of these make me mad and i wanted to speak with an admin
So i was typing the !admincall command to talk with someone because all of these started from a misunderstanding.
Noone ansewr me even if they was seeing the call and finally i got banned for 1 week!
I want to say that i believe some people like me on the server and i like playing with them there.
I also want to say that Dirty after i tryied to add him he said "Cry little baby" and ofc i didnt have voice to talk and answer him properly.( is he real 18?)
Furthermore these are some rules i think Dirty Broke

§1. Admin abuse is NOT allowed of any kind and will result in a punishment dependent on the severity of your actions!

§2. Every rule breaker has to be warned before taking any admin action (even multiple times). Kicking/banning immediately is strongly prohibited! (exception: cheaters, offensive behavior)

§3. The ban/mute times have to represent the strength of the rule break! The number of previous bans/mutes (only bans/mutes that exceed 10 minutes!) can be considered upon banning/muting. Cheater bans should always be permanent!

§5. Its strongly prohibited to insult/flame or otherwise break any admin/member/server rule!
§15. Breaking the clan/server rules or insulting is strongly prohibited and will result in a punishment dependent on the severity of your actions!

Banned by Admin Adebisi (idk even who is he but as i see he didnt answer me on !admincall
ReasonDid not respect admins

In conclusion I believe that you like a server with many people having fun but you can keep the server society by having admins who are so tough!

Thanks for reading, I believe you take serious my words!

This thread has been closed!
Pünktchen Waiting for assignment  •  Administrator  •  Posts: 1229

he was banned now for 5 days. i think this is enough

vinkelkrigeren User  •  Elite  •  Posts: 245
@ Jones i warn again and again and again, every single day to the same ppl, i told him on mic " Dude, stop spamming your music " and he also already knows this rule, either way, if you dont trust my judgement then you can go ahead and unban idm

edit : i will remember the comments on such cases
Pünktchen Waiting for assignment  •  Administrator  •  Posts: 1229
Dirtyokay lets stop right here pickle, i dont recall the specific situation BUT

you know the rules = i dont warn you if you spawn camp/camp or whatever!

i rarely give more than a few hrs, so if i gave you 3 days i can guarantee you said something bad enough to deserve this!
as long as he doesn´t use cheats you have to warn him. a word in the chat, voice chat. you can also use a slap or a beacon and in some cases also a kick.
if the player doesn´t react or care, you can use a mute.

banning a player for an insult you can´t even remember is an invalid argument.


you know OUR RULES abi.
ALWAYS add a comment on sourcebans.

well i don´t see any comment. "did not respect admins" as ban reason is not enough!
vinkelkrigeren User  •  Elite  •  Posts: 245
i said what i had to say on this, i recall the situation, but not every detail so i got no futher to say, im confident in my actions on this one

@ John, just lmk if you need any further infomation
☭ Pickle Rick ☭ User  •  Newbie  •  Posts: 2
I think i was really objective in my thread. As i said i was wrong that i put music on my mic, i didnt say anything bad and i never do exept if it is just for humor, but i believe ur decisions was wrong.
You cant recall the specific situation because nothing wrong happend (like cheating or insulting) otherwise u will remember it.
We are having a conversation, so please use some arguments against all i say and please respect me and dont call my words rubbish.
Edit: We are civilized people and we can talk without being toxic...
vinkelkrigeren User  •  Elite  •  Posts: 245
okay lets stop right here pickle, i dont recall the specific situation BUT

you know the rules = i dont warn you if you spawn camp/camp or whatever!

i rarely give more than a few hrs, so if i gave you 3 days i can guarantee you said something bad enough to deserve this!

also, if you dont add me straight after such incident where you feel like you lack clearification, then dont expect me to accept, im getting 3-5 friend requestes on a daily basis and i decline all of these unless its a person i know well

and all that other rubbish you filled in with, i cba trying to defend something that dident happend, 
edit : dont flatter yourself and try to make this a thing about salt 
John' Waiting for assignment  •  Administrator  •  Posts: 278
If the situation happened as you described. The behaviour was not correct and the situation was solved badly.

@Dirty please tell us your site of the situation.

I dont see a reason for a chat restriction, since he never typed a word on that day.

Thread Information

Category name: Admin abuse reports
Category description: Complaints about admins

Thread status: Closed