5 years ago
Dirtyokay lets stop right here pickle, i dont recall the specific situation BUTas long as he doesn´t use cheats you have to warn him. a word in the chat, voice chat. you can also use a slap or a beacon and in some cases also a kick.
you know the rules = i dont warn you if you spawn camp/camp or whatever!
i rarely give more than a few hrs, so if i gave you 3 days i can guarantee you said something bad enough to deserve this!
if the player doesn´t react or care, you can use a mute.
banning a player for an insult you can´t even remember is an invalid argument.
you know OUR RULES abi.
ALWAYS add a comment on sourcebans.
well i don´t see any comment. "did not respect admins" as ban reason is not enough!