Gamers of Germany Forum Post

Pünktchen Waiting for assignment  •  Administrator  •  Posts: 1229
i added now the exception: "Player is in combat"
ich hab nun die ausnahme: "Spieler befindet sich im Kampf" hinzugefügt

to all mini-admins. start thinking before you are using your rights.

if someone is camping since the beginning: WARN him. if he doesn´t move, slay him one time.
is a player afk? then kick him from the server after ONE or TWO afk rounds.
is a player in a 1 vs x situation and he has no way to escape? stay SILENT and LET THEM PLAY.

i hope this is clear now. everyone makes mistakes or overreacts in a situation. this is normal, we are humans. but please, at least use your brains and think for one time before you take action.

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