Gamers of Germany Forum Post

sfn User  •  Newbie  •  Posts: 2
✪ .RiiNO'And sfn i had a stop of 3 Weeks before i see u never on the sever and i was 1 of the aktivst Players btw. 
Well, I have like 11,000 points on the server so I guess that proves I've played there quite a bit. 

I would understand you if you slayed someone who was hiding in the toilets or something, or just hiding from players to drag out the round. I was straight up facing 3 people at the same time, actively fighting them and you killed me in the middle of a gunfight. At that point I had already been on the other side of the map, then gone back to my spawn where I found the other players.

Towards the end of a round I generally go to a spawn in order to access the ladder so I can get up and locate the last players without having to run around the maze. Often I will meet other players there and fight. This isn't spawncamping, this is a completely normal way to play the game, and I'd say more productive than running around the maze. 

Trump was whining about my "camping" the one round where I was afk for a little while, and when I started playing the other players were already running into my spawn so I fought them there. This was after you'd already sowed the seed and it's a common What would you expect me to do, run into the maze and ignore the enemies in my spawn? There is no way you can argue that actively hunting down players is camping, and actively hunting down players is literally what I do the entire damn time I'm on the server. I'm there to shoot people in the face and that's what I do. If you think otherwise you're just wrong. 

Deagle HS only is supposed to be a fun game mode. It's not fun when admins are pestering you and you don't even know what you're supposedly doing wrong.

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