Gamers of Germany Forum Post

mou User  •  Rookie  •  Posts: 7
Firstly, to Vivi.

The owner didn't even speak in voice chat the entire time I was present, so that's bullshit, and if you read the chat logs you will clearly see he didn't warn in chat. I don't see why he doesn't just say he muted/kicked/gagged because he was salty because it's clearly the case, it's his server after all he can do it if he really wants. If you actually look at logs you can see he does an inordinate amount of gagging/muting/ and banning.

A footnote for Malmonar

I should be grateful that this dude spends his money to host servers when as far as I know he runs ads on these servers and likely makes cash off it himself, the owner is clearly no gift from god considering his shadiness. 

I will not be playing on GoG servers in the future and will be advocating friends to avoid them, if this is how you act in your own community I frankly don't want to be a part of it, Goodbye.

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