Gamers of Germany Forum Post

shard User  •  Elite  •  Posts: 224
I don't think it is map related. If a Mapmaker doesn't specifically add kv files for player models the current standard models are used(MM models). As the models are compatible with the gloves there shouldn't be a problem because of the maps itself. It would be quite easy to test if someone took a map from our Servers and tried it out in offline. If the gloves show up as I expect its not because of the maps. Sourcemod could be entirely possible.

As far as I know there is no command to enable/disable Models. I looked through the listed Plugins on the Deagle Server and found no Plugin that comes even close to alter skins/models. It just may not be listed but I assume that a plugin is also not the problem.

So as Nitro said I assume its because of Sourcemod itself. Sadly I dont know if any servers running sm have managed to fix it as I dont have gloves.

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