Gamers of Germany Forum Post

The Dark Dane User  •  Rookie  •  Posts: 7
Jones | Pünktchen@management, damit seid auch ihr gemeint vivi und prefix.

wurde das mit den "rassismus" bans schon geklärt? ich denke nicht.

you got banned two times on a server for racism, one for micspaming and one without a reason. can you explain us why you got banned on this server for this reasons?

unsere beiden hauptadmins für diesen server haben anscheinend nichts dagegen ihn aufzunehmen (malmo will halt mit zusätzlichen trial regeln) aber ich will von ihm noch ein statement zu den bans.
What server have i been banned for racism on twice?...

I'm assuming you are talking about the mutes from HeLL.

The racism i honestly don't remember.. I probably was racist.. Seeing it was almost a year ago i'd like to add that i was way more immature back then and often racist.. I'm not anymore on that area ive changed alot.. ´Regarding the mute with no reason i dont know either.. the latest mute back in March i do remember why i got muted, i was at a Lan party with my old community DUK and there was a lot of background noice which they didnt like so i got muted.

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